Turning the page, trusting the power.
“As we read through the pages together, the hope and mercy and grace of Jesus gushes out. It blesses me too, as I’m reminded again of who Jesus is and what He has done for me.” - Catherine, Wiltshire
Letting God’s Word do the work.
“Have confidence in the power of God’s Word to do its work in people’s hearts. Jesus tells us that we need to believe in His words, because that’s how people begin to believe in Him and receive eternal life.” - Charles, London
Our Helper in Evangelism
Experienced Bible sharer Jeremy Marshall reflects on why we need the Holy Spirit to direct us and equip us as we share God’s Word.
Opening the Word; opening the door to Jesus.
“I tried really hard with our neighbours, and got absolutely nowhere except for one – she’s called Iris, and she was like a sponge to water. She really wanted to know more!” - Maggie, Wiltshire
8 Top Tips for Your First One to One
With over 15 years experience equipping Christians to share God’s Word, Richard Borgonon – Founder and Author of The Word One to One – shares some practical tips on how to read the Bible with others.
Making an invitation
The journey of sharing God’s Word with a friend, family member or colleague starts with a simple question.
Seeing a heart changed and a life transformed.
“It’s been so encouraging to see God working in my friend’s heart right there before my eyes!” Tom, London
Using The Word One to One for follow up after evangelistic events
Discover how you can use The Word One to One to follow up after evangelistic services and outreach events.
The beauty of Jesus, revealed in His Word.
“I’ve found that for everyone I read with, Jesus is really attractive – the person of Jesus is beautiful!” Ellie, Melbourne
Praying for your session
Some tips for praying before and after your Bible sharing session.
Refreshed from reading the Bible with others.
“As a church leader, it was opening up the Bible with others with The Word One to One that energised me and brought life back to me.” Mike, Liverpool
A simple way to share the good news of Jesus.
“You don’t have to dump the whole gospel on them in one conversation – just explore it with them a little bit at a time, and let the Word do the work!” Jeanne, California
Taking away the pressure of evangelising.
“Sharing the Word doesn’t have to be difficult at all – it’s just simply asking people in an open and friendly way to explore what you believe!” Carl, Essex
God’s Word, shared over a garden fence.
“At the start of lockdown, I thought to myself, ’We’re always in the garden chatting over the fence; why don’t we continue reading together over the fence too?” Becky, Rochester
Trusting the supremacy of God’s Word.
“The Word One to One deepened my conviction to trust God’s Word, both on a personal and pastoral level.” Aeron, Philippines