Discover what the Bible says for yourself
The Word One to One offers a simple and enjoyable way of exploring what the Bible says with a Christian friend.
Around the world, many people have discovered the joy of getting together with a friend and seeing what the Bible says about Jesus with The Word One to One.
What is The Word One to One?
The Word One to One takes you through a section of the Bible called John’s Gospel: an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus, written by one of His closest friends.
Available as books, an app and online, it’s designed to be a simple, accessible and enjoyable way to see what the Bible says alongside a friend.
How does it work?
The Word One to One presents the Bible text and helpful explanatory notes in bitesize ‘episodes’, with each episode taking around 30 minutes to read through.
The whole experience has been designed for those who are new to the Bible, so that you and a friend have everything you need to see what the Bible says, ask questions and discuss your thoughts along the way.
Get connected and get started
Here are three ways you can get started with The Word One to One:
Ask a Christian friend
Connect with a local church
Use this tool to help connect you with someone from a local church to use The Word One to One with:
Get in touch with us
If you have any questions, or would like some help getting started, we’d love to hear from you: