Partner with us
If you share our heart and feel called to partner with us in this ministry, find out how you can get involved
Partner in prayer
We aim to share concise prayer points a couple of times a week on our PrayerMate feed, including those for Bible-sharing churches, our language and country partners, and for the team.
You can also join us for our monthly online community ‘Pray’ events.
Partner in giving
Your generosity will help us equip and send out more Christians to introduce others to Jesus in His Word. Read our story to see who we are and what you’ll be giving towards.
You can give right now by using the Donorbox form.
If you wish to give via Stewardship, search “Word One to One” or use our account number 20371631.
If you would like to give straight to our bank account, please find details here. If you are eligible, please also sign a gift aid form.
Please get in touch using the button below if you want to give in other ways or have any questions about the ministry.
Partner in translation
Our approach to translating The Word One to One experience is centred on community.
If there’s a language or people group that you’re passionate about, please let us know and tell us how you’d like to contribute.
Share with your church leaders
If you, like us, want to help see your church family discover the joy of Bible sharing, tell your church leaders about The Word One to One:
Show this video of John Lennox sharing about The Word One to One
Share this booklet about how The Word One to One can empower your church family
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