8 Top Tips for Your First One to One
With over 15 years experience equipping Christians to share God’s Word, Richard Borgonon – Founder and Author of The Word One to One – shares some practical tips on how to read the Bible with others.
Bible sharing is a wonderful experience that any Christian can discover and enjoy for themselves.
The opportunity to read through and discuss John’s Gospel with a friend, family member or colleague is not only exciting and rewarding, but – most importantly – it fulfils Jesus’ call for His followers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28).
As you begin to prepare for your first one to one, I’d like to share with you eight lessons learnt over the years in opening God’s Word with others:
1. Prayer is vitally important
When someone agrees to read with you, pray that God will work powerfully, convicting them of their need to be forgiven at the cross of Christ.
This last point is crucial. We are not looking for people to intellectually decide they now believe in God - we are looking for them to be saved from the sin of not honouring Christ for the Lord and saviour He is!
2. It’s all about God at work through His Word
I am always wrong about why someone agrees to meet! The Lord has prepared this person to say "yes", which means that usually something is going on that I couldn't possibly know about.
People say “yes” for many different reasons, and it’s not up to us to decide where they are on their journey towards faith.
This shouldn’t cause you to worry, though. Opening the Bible with them doesn’t rely on your abilities – it's all about seeing God at work through His living Word as we turn the pages.
“People say “Yes” for many different reasons, and it’s not up to us to decide where they are on their journey towards faith.”
3. Make your friend feel comfortable
Looking at God's Word is often quite a daunting experience for the person you’re reading with. This entire experience is not about us showing off the knowledge we have and how comfortable we are with the Bible. Instead, it's about journeying with the other person verse by verse. So, do reassure them that discovering new things is going to be enjoyable, not an embarrassment!
The Bible can be a big scary book if you haven't fallen in love with what it says , so avoid having one in front of you (at least to begin with). The time will come later when you can suggest opening one to look at a different verse together.
Make sure you don't embarrass your friend by suggesting reading out loud if they would not be comfortable doing so. Whereas Christians read out loud because they have fallen in love with the Word, this doesn’t come naturally to most people!
Finally, try to meet somewhere that you are not going to be overhead, as this can be off-putting.
4. How to meet again
End every session with "Did you enjoy that? Would you like to see what happens next?" until these two simple questions become redundant. You will know when because your friend will be asking you when you can next meet to carry on!
“End every session with “Did you enjoy that? Would you like to see what happens next?””
5. You are a living example of Church
Keep looking for opportunities to serve your friend as they explore who Jesus is in His Word – for example, by recommending a book.
Once they are really enjoying looking at the Word, perhaps invite them to a meal to meet with other Christian friends. If they have any questions you don’t know the answers to, simply jot them down and find out more after the session. If you need some more help, ask a mature Christian from your church.
By the way, do make sure that you’re prepared before your session by looking at the episodes you are going to be sharing. Take time to pray for the time together. You are not just having a coffee with a friend – you are about the Lord's work!
“You are not just having a coffee with a friend – you are about the Lord’s work!”
6. Responding to rejection
Even after an enjoyable and interesting session, some people will decline your invitation to meet again. If this happens, don’t be discouraged. It's not your ministry – it's God's, and we must entrust them to Him! Many find that their contact comes back at a later date and want to continue.
7. Remain flexible
People are busy, and looking at God's Word becomes highly personal so that some days people just can't face it! Don't be surprised at even late cancellations – simply offer an alternative day and time, remembering that God knows best!
Throughout it all, persist in prayer, trust in His Word, learn to listen well, and enjoy it! There’s nothing like the joy of seeing another person encounter Jesus as you open His Word with them.
8. And finally - submit!
What you are experiencing is the wonder of being about the Lord's work. So, besides praying for your contacts and enjoying deepening your own faith as you journey together, ask God to show you what He wants you to change in your own life so that you can walk even closer with Him.
After all, it is the most humbling thing to see God at work in the lives of your friends and contacts – we too are bound to be changed!
“It is the most humbling thing to see God at work in the lives of your friends and contacts – we too are bound to be changed!”
And by the way , ask another person , it's different and fresh every time!
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