Evangelism and Discipleship in Word and DEED
John MacKinnon explains how using The Word One to One can help you both share the gospel and grow disciples.
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”. – Colossians 3:17
Good Deeds and Top Priorities
Aside from being a legal document, a ‘deed’ can also be an action that we conduct intentionally, something in which we are consciously investing our time, energy, and money into accomplishing. Normally we long for these to be good deeds, to be productive and to bring about positive change.
I read recently that the word ‘priority’ came into the English language around the 1400’s and for a period of 500 years was singular. Only in the technologically advanced world of the 1900’s did we make it plural – and in today’s culture, which is facing unprecedented amounts of trauma and anxiety, I’m not quite convinced we got that right.
Archbishop Ben Kwashi, the General Secretary of GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) and a good friend of The Word One to One ministry, in a heartfelt appendix in his book ‘Neither Bomb nor Bullet’, writes:
“I also see a need for Bible literacy. People should go back to reading the Bible to find out what God says about people, instead of listening only to what people say about God and His word. The UK should go back to reading the Bible for themselves to hear what God is saying.”
Here is a priority worth pursuing, and a deed that merits our conscious and intentional investment. It is also a wonderful combining of Paul’s word and deed exhortation to the Colossians.
How a ‘Top Priority’ becomes a ‘Good Deed’
At The Word One to One, we are passionate about equipping everyday believers in the local church to become joyful Bible sharers. It’s a passion driven by the Great Commission that we read in Matthew 28:18-20, where Jesus says to his disciples:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age.”
I’m convinced that the singular priority of the church is to make disciples. I’m also convinced that using The Word One to One is a wonderful way to fulfil both parts of what discipleship has always been all about: evangelism that is bringing people to repentance and faith in Christ, and discipleship that is the growing into maturity and learning to observe all that He commanded. As we share God’s Word, we see discipleship and evangelism working in perfect harmony and producing a double-yield: for as we share our faith with others, we ourselves grow, and as we share our faith with others, they become believers as God draws them to Himself.
I know when I became a Christian, I was taught to read my Bible and pray – good discipleship advice, but unfortunately it was just that: ‘good advice’. I needed someone to model that for me, to draw alongside me and show me what good Bible reading looked like and what good prayer looked like. I also realised that while the Bible is essential for my discipleship, one of the best ways to grow was to share the faith I had in Jesus with others so that they also might become believers.
Evangelism and Discipleship in Harmony
My personality type made that difficult step perhaps a little less painful for me than it can be for others who have by nature a more reserved personality. However, the call of Jesus to go and make disciples is for all who trust in Him regardless of our personality type, and this is where I have found The Word One to One to be such a flexible and fabulous resource that can help everyone into fulfilling Jesus’ command to go and make disciples.
Many of the early adopters of The Word One to One, as well-discipled followers of Jesus, were able to take this resource and immediately invite a non-Christian friend or business associate to come and look at John’s Gospel with them. To witness that is inspirational and often the only encouragement that some might need to become a joyful Bible sharer themselves.
However, a lifetime in ministry has taught me that not everyone is well-discipled, there are many believers in the life of our churches who don’t know their Bible all that well and who struggle to find the confidence to share their faith. Well, there is hope and it still involves using The Word One to One.
As we train people to get going with The Word One to One, we are often asked by believers “Can we start reading it with our brothers and sisters in the church first?” It’s a fair question, usually asked by people who are looking to gain confidence both in the resource but also often because they are looking to gain confidence in the Word.
We will always unapologetically say that The Word One to One is designed to be used in evangelism. But, as we should never have separated evangelism and discipleship anyway, it is often a good thing to build confidence by getting people to practice reading through the first three books which covers John chapters 1-4 with a Christian friend. As they do that, we can encourage them to each be praying for a handful of non-Christian contacts that they are going to invite to look at it.
This type of Word-based evangelism can very readily result in leading those we are reading with into early discipleship.
Salvation is always a miracle and a wonderful gift of God’s grace. An encouraging fruit of this ministry is that when someone comes to faith through this exposure to God’s Word, they often go on to develop the habit of growing in faith through reading God’s Word for themselves. Many also display a desire to take others to God’s word so that they also might encounter Jesus this way. Evangelism and Discipleship in perfect harmony, Evangelism and Discipleship united in Word and Deed.
Word and DEED
My long-suffering colleagues know that I will often use an acronym to say something or to make something memorable! And so I want to encourage us all to use The Word One to One and to do so in word and DEED!
Discipleship, Evangelism, Early Discipleship
This is an intentional and conscious deed that all of us, regardless of our personality type, can engage with, and is a brilliant way to fulfil Jesus’ great commission. As we seek to honour God in word and deed and to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him, may He answer this simple prayer:
“Lord, lead me to the lost person you have prepared to meet you.”
As He answers, may we be equipped, encouraged and ready to lovingly turn the pages of God’s life-giving Word with them.
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