Seeing the power of God’s Word in evangelism
We sat down with Natasha, a Bible sharer in London, to chat about her experience of using The Word One to One to explore what the Bible says about Jesus with others.
Q. Thanks for joining us, Natasha! Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name’s Natasha, and I live in London with my husband and 18-month old boy. My husband is a minister at All Souls Langham Place in the centre of London, so that’s where we go to church. I’m a speech and language therapist, but I’m part-time at the moment as I’m caring for my child!
I’m originally from Singapore, but moved to London when I was 18 to go to university. I was brought up as a Christian, but it was only during my years at university that I really started looking into what it means. It was during that time that I first experienced the joy of salvation and began to understand it much more in my heart. It felt like a burden had been lifted, and I started to become really excited about my faith and sharing it with others. I still really struggle with evangelism, but I just pray that God will help me share His good news with people around me!
“It was at university that I first experienced the joy of salvation and began to understand it much more in my heart. It felt like a burden had been lifted, and I started to become really excited about my faith and sharing it with others.”
Q. Who have you been reading God’s Word with recently, and how did you begin sharing with them?
Before the pandemic, we would run free English classes at church during the week. My husband ran it, so I would be there every week to help out. It was amazing – you would meet and get to know people from all over the world. Some people from church were incredibly confident, and would invite people attending those classes to read the Bible with them after meeting them once. For me, it takes me about two months of getting to know them better before I feel like I can ask them!
“Some people from church would invite people attending those classes to read the Bible with them after meeting them once. For me, it takes me about two months of getting to know them better before I feel like I can ask them!”
I eventually began reading the Bible with two girls, one from Japan and one from Hong Kong. We met as a three, and I actually found that a lot easier – it took the pressure off everyone, and meant that they felt more comfortable with it. To be honest, I found it quite uncomfortable, but it was still easier than I thought it would be – you just read it and let the Bible speak for itself! I was also surprised at just how interested they were in what they were reading and also the number of questions they asked, so that was encouraging.
Q. How has The Word One to One helped you share God’s Word with others?
The Word One to One really helps to make reading the Word with others feel very natural. It’s really easy to use – it doesn’t assume the questions that people have, but gives them space to say what they think and what’s on their heart. The conversation starters helped a lot – they found the text and the explanations really interesting, and the fact that they shared their thoughts about Jesus openly showed that they found the experience to be natural, too. The Word One to One took the pressure off, and gave me an opportunity to share the truth of the gospel.
“The Word One to One is really easy to use – it doesn’t assume the questions that people have, but gives them space to say what they think and what’s on their heart.”
Ever since I began reading the Bible with others, evangelism is now much more on my mind; and as I’ve been praying about it, I’ve been seeing a lot more opportunities to introduce others to Jesus – particularly with other young mothers! Right now, I’m thinking about inviting some of them to our Christmas carol service, and then look for opportunities to invite them to read God’s Word with me.
Q. How did you see God working through reading His Word with others?
They were curious, which was a clear sign that God was working in their hearts. They were open to Him, and they even came to church with me after we had read the Bible together. He also helped me to answer their questions more clearly than I would have been able to in my own strength.
He showed me that there is power in His Word, which I already knew but hadn’t really seen in the same way before.
“God showed me that there is power in His Word, which I already knew but hadn’t really seen in the same way before.”
Q. Do you have any advice for someone who is looking into sharing the Bible with others?
If I can do it, anyone can do it! I’m often so worried about what people might think of me, and I feel nervous when I’m speaking about something that means a lot to me – but I was still able to share the Bible with others, so you will be able to as well!
Anyone can do it, and it helps when you invest in the relationship with the person you want to read with. My reading partners and I would have dinner together before reading, which really helped build connection and trust, and it meant that it didn’t feel intense. So, invest in them and share life with them as you read the Bible together.
“If I can do it, anyone can do it! I’m often so worried about what people might think of me, and I feel nervous when I’m speaking about something that means a lot to me – but I was still able to share the Bible with others, so you will be able to as well!”
Find out more about how to invite someone to read the Bible with you.
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