How many books are in the series?
There are 11 books in the John series covering all 21 chapters of John’s Gospel.
There are 11 books in the Acts series covering all 28 chapters.
Some retailers offer discounted bundle buys if you buy the whole set or subsets of books. See what each publisher offers here.
How can I buy the books?
Depending on which country you are in it could be as easy as ordering online. This page helps you find the right publisher for your country. Some of these publishers also do international orders beyond their borders, please check their websites for advice.
How do you determine the price of the books?
The stock price of the books are determined by our publisher 10Publishing, a gospel-minded ministry committed to developing resources that point to Jesus. They sell onwards to other publishers who set their own retail price.
We are deeply grateful to 10Publishing for allowing us to publish the books for free online as PDFs, as this enables anyone with internet access to get hold of them.
What profit does The Word One to One make from book sales?
The Word One to One receive 7% royalties from sales of the books from 10Publishing. Our ministry is not funded by book sales but by those who believe in the power of God’s Word to transform lives and communities and want to partner with us in equipping joyful Bible sharers in every nation. This allows us to offer the books – as well as many other training resources – online and in person – without charge.