Book one (Spanish)

John’s Gospel Chapter 1
Episodes 1–3
John lived with Jesus for three intense years, so what will we see at the start of his eye-witness account…
A baby in a manger? Angels and shepherds?
No, we’ll go way back… to the ‘beginning’, to be introduced to ‘the Word’ who can bring us life and light.
‘Come and see’ is the invitation as we get going in John’s Gospel.
Book one contains Episodes 1–3, guiding you through Chapter 1 of John's Gospel.
The Word One to One gives you everything you need to explore what the Bible says about Jesus, together with a friend. Whether you choose to share with the books, the app or online, you’ll find the same simple format: it takes you through John’s Gospel in bitesize ‘episodes’, presenting the Bible text verse by verse alongside helpful notes that explain the meaning and guide your conversation. So, simply get together, read the Bible, and chat it through!